Butcher Hook v4 white

The Butcher Hook

History of the Brand

The Butcher Hook Brand was first recorded in the Territorial Brand book in 1898 under the name of Charles Horsfelt of Cline, Arizona, which is now known as Tonto Basin. The “old timers” say that Charles Horsfelt butchered beef and made jerky for the ranchers. Thus, the brand came into being The Brand was located on the center of the left hip of beef, and on the left thigh of horses.

In 1933, Grant Green Jr. Of Christmas, AZ, held the Butcher Hook brand. Between 1963 and 1991, Ralph Drake Carey of Cowden Livestock Company in Tolleson, AZ, held the brand. He now resides in Los Molinos, CA.

Some time between 1963 and 1991, the brand was used by “Doc” Cline - the father of a local rancher named, Steve Cline - having been purchased for 20 head of cattle. It is said that over 3500 head of cattle were rounded up and branded with the Butcher Hook brand, which was quite a profit for “Doc” Cline.

In 1991, Jesse M. Odom of Buckeye, AZ held the brand and, as far as we know, still holds the Butcher Hook brand today. Mr. Odom says the brand will become the property of the Butcher Hook sometime in the future.